Wingpod purslane
Wingpod purslane a Species of purslane
Common Name:
Crownpod puslane
Wingpod purslane
Botanical Name:
Purtulaca umbraticola
Name Story:
Wingpod purslane:
Wingpod purslane is also known as Portulaca umbraticola. Portulaca is a family of tropical succulents with pretty flowers and small fleshy, conical leaves. Portulaca, the genus name, is related to the word, portula, which means “little door.” This may refer to the opening of the seed pods.
Wingpod purslane (Portulaca umbraticola) is a succulent annual plant or short-lived perennial that will grow to 6 inches tall and 2 feet wide. Its flowers vary in color from orange to red to pink. Flowers attract butterflies, bees and moths. Thrives in full sun with regular moisture and well-drained soil. Trim back when it becomes untidy to encourage new growth and flowers.
Interesting Facts:
Wingpod purslane is a short-lived perennial succulent. In the United States, it is generally grown as an annual in flowerbeds and borders. These small plants with pretty flowers can reseed easily, so you may want to remove seed heads before they mature if you do not want the plant to spread.
Confessions of love.
Plant Type: Herb
Lifespan: Annual, Perennial
Bloom Time: Late spring, Summer, Fall
Plant Height: 6 to 8 inches
Spread: 1 to 1.3 foot
Flower Size: 1 to 2 inches
Habitat: Desert, upland, riparian
Flower Color: Red, Orange, Pink
Leaf Color: Green
Fruit Color: Black
Stem Color: Red.
Tips from Garden Coaches:
With colorful flowers, wingpod purslane is often planted as a potted plant and can also be planted in the garden. It's not hard to grow as long as you can provide it with plenty of sunlight.
Conditions Requirement:
Difficulty Rating:
Wingpod purslane is super easy to take care of, with resistance to almost all pests and diseases. It is a perfect option for gardeners with brown thumbs.
Full sun, Partial sun
40 ℉
Hardiness Zones:
7b to 11
Sand, Chalky, Acidic, Slightly alkaline, Moderately alkaline.
Care Guide:
Crownpod purslane plants don't need much water. Water shallowly, dampening the first 2-3 inches of soil, whenever it dries out completely; their roots are close to the surface, making deep watering pointless.
Fertilization once a month during the growing season.
Deadhead (or remove) withered flowers after flowering.
Planting Time:
Spring, Early summer
Harvest Time:
Late summer, Early fall, Mid fall
Cutting, Sowing.
Scientific classification:
Portulaca - Purslanes
Portulacaceae - Purslane
Caryophyllales - Pinks, cacti, and allies
Magnoliopsida - Dicotyledons, Dicots, Eudicots
Tracheophyta - Vascular plants, Seed plants, Ferns, Tracheophytes.
Garden Use:
This small succulent has colorful blooms in warm colors and vivid-green, thick leaves that bring freshness to the sunniest, hottest positions in a garden, where few other flowering plants will thrive. Wingpod purslane is best suited for rock gardens, informal gardens, beds, containers, and other garden elements in sunny positions. Because of its low growth, it is ideal for border fronts.
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