
Showing posts from August, 2022

Merijuana ( Bhang )

  Merijuana a Species of Hemp Common Name Hemp Bhang Botanical Name Cannabis sativa Information Marijuana (Cannabis sativa) has a very long history of cultivation for various purposes. Marijuana can be used for manufacturing industrial fiber, hemp oil, and food (seeds) in medicine and pharmacy as a recreational drug, and as an entheogen among other applications. Each plant is either male or female, with only the females producing useful amounts of oil. Is marijuana a weedy plant? Smoking or ingestion of marijuana can lead to intoxication, lethargy, impaired cognition, and impaired performance of complex activities such as operating a vehicle. High doses can also lead to paranoia, panic attacks, depression, confusion, vomiting, and hallucinations. If children accidentally ingest this plant or products made with it, this can lead to severe toxicity requiring hospitalization and major medical intervention. Symptoms of poisoning in a child are likely to include lethargy, a loss in bala...

Zebra Plant

  Zebra Plant a Species of Haworthiopsis Common name Zebra plant Zebra Haworthia Botanical Name Haworthiopsis fasciata Information Zebra plant (Haworthiopsis fasciata) is a stunning little succulent native to South Africa. It is very similar to  Haworthiopsis attenuata , but rarer in cultivation. Because of this,  H. attenuata  plants are often mislabeled as Haworthiopsis fasciata. You can easily differentiate the two by looking at the leaves - if they have a smooth upper surface, then it's Haworthiopsis fasciata. Name Story Zebra plant How can a succulent plant be described as a zebra? This is because its green succulent leaves have white coronal bands on the outside and zebra-like stripes in between the green and white leaves. Hence, it is known as the famous zebra plant. Symbolism Smooth, cheerful, social Characteristics Lifespan Perennial Bloom Time Early spring, Mid spring, Mid winter, Late winter Plant Height 4 to 7 inches Spread 6 inches Flower Size 1 inch Hab...

Aloe Vera

  Aloe Vera a Species of Aloe Common Name Kawar Gandal Burn Aloe  True Aloe Aloe vera Botanical Name Aloe vera Information Aloe vera is an evergreen succulent species native to the Arabian Peninsula. The thick leaves are filled with gooey flesh that stores water for survival in its native desert territories. Aloe vera has become a popular houseplant and is also incorporated into a wide range of cosmetics and skin-care products. Tips from Garden Coaches Aloe is a genus of flowering succulent plants that can be successfully cultivated both outdoors and indoors, and are very easy to maintain.   Attract Birds Aloe vera and other Aloe species attract various types of birds and are generally pollinated by birds. During summer, when the plant blooms, its flowers are often visited by many birds including orioles, mockingbirds, warblers, woodpeckers, and hummingbirds. The nutritious and sweet nectar of aloe vera flowers is a valuable food source for these birds during the summer m...

Scotch broom

  Scotch Broom a species of Brooms Common Name Broom Common Broom Spenesh Broom Scots Broom Yellow Broom Botanical Name Cytisus scoparius Information Scotch broom (Cytisus scoparius) is a perennial shrub that commonly grows in Europe. Scotch broom is also referred to as the "common broom." The plants grow in sunny areas in dry soil and can withstand acidic soil conditions. In Italian folklore, scotch broom was burned to stop witches. Scotch broom was a historical symbol of French king Charles VI. Name Story Scotch broom, English broom Cytisus scoparius, is a perennial leguminous shrub that is native to western and central Europe. In Britain and Ireland, the standard name for the plant is broom, but this name is also used for other species of the Genisteae tribe. In other English-speaking countries, the most prevalent common name is Scotch broom or Scot's broom. Furthermore, it is known as an English broom in Australia. Moreover, it was brought to United States from the Br...

Peppers ( Green Chilii )

  Peppers a Species of capsicum Common Name Chilii Green Chilii Pepper Bell pepper  Cherry pepper Botanical Name Capsicum annuum Information The peppers is a plant that produces bright red pepper vegetables. This chili pepper is commonly used for cooking in places such as the Southern U.S. and Central America. Most are moderately spicy, though because there are so many variants, the spice level can vary dramatically. Cayenne powder is also a popular seasoning product made from peppers plants. Tips from Garden Coaches Plants of the Capsicum genus are grown widely all over the world. They thrive in both gardens and flowerpots and are easy to care for. Name Story Cayenne pepper Perhaps a common thing that comes to mind when hearing "Cayenne" is a luxury car, but the Cayenne pepper that is often mentioned in conversations is not the pepper of luxury car brands. The "Cayenne" mentioned here comes from its origin, the Cayenne region of French Guiana. Red pepper, Green pep...

Sweet fennel (Soey)

  Sweet Fennel a Species of fennels Common Name Fennel Fenocchio Soey Botanical Name Foeniculum vulgare Information Sweet fennel (Foeniculum vulgare) is a flowering perennial plant related to carrots. It is native to the Mediterranean region, but is used throughout the world as a flavoring herb. Sweet fennel has a sweet aromatic flavor similar to anise, and is an important ingredient in absinthe. In the wild, it often becomes a noxious weed. Attract Birds Sweet fennel is commonly used as an aromatic herb, but if it’s left to flower and go to seed, it can also be very attractive to wild birds. Its small flowers are rich in nectar and pollen, drawing birds, bees, butterflies and other insects, including hoverflies, which in turn attract insect-eating birds. It is a host plant to caterpillars, which these birds also love to feed on. Finally, sweet fennel seeds can be eaten by insect-eating birds. Name Story Sweet fennel This plant is highly aromatic and the herbs are used in cooking f...

Wingpod purslane

  Wingpod purslane a Species of purslane Common Name: Crownpod puslane Wingpod purslane Botanical Name: Purtulaca umbraticola Name Story: Wingpod purslane: Wingpod purslane is also known as Portulaca umbraticola. Portulaca is a family of tropical succulents with pretty flowers and small fleshy, conical leaves. Portulaca, the genus name, is related to the word, portula, which means “little door.” This may refer to the opening of the seed pods. Information: Wingpod purslane (Portulaca umbraticola) is a succulent annual plant or short-lived perennial that will grow to 6 inches tall and 2 feet wide. Its flowers vary in color from orange to red to pink. Flowers attract butterflies, bees and moths. Thrives in full sun with regular moisture and well-drained soil. Trim back when it becomes untidy to encourage new growth and flowers . Interesting Facts: Wingpod purslane is a short-lived perennial succulent. In the United States, it is generally grown as an annual in flowerbeds and borders. ...