White LeadTree(Shareh)

 White Lead Tree a Specie of Lead Trees

Common Name

  • Shareh
  • Lead 
  • Jamby
  • River timarid

Botanical Name

Leuceana leucocephala

Plant Information..

White leadtree (Leucaena leucocephala) is a small tree native to Mexico and Central America. Planting white leadtree makes the soil fertile as other Legumes do. It has been also used for livestock feed and firewood. This tree is also called a "miracle tree" for its many uses.

Scientific classification


Leucaena - Leadtrees


Fabaceae - Legume, Pea, Bean


Fabales - Legumes, milkworts and allies, Peas, beans and relatives


Magnoliopsida - Dicotyledons, Dicots, Eudicots


Tracheophyta - Vascular plants, Seed plants, Ferns, Tracheophytes

Plant Type: Shrub

Lifespan:  Perennial

Bloom Time:  All year around

Plant Height:   7 to 20 feet

Plant height:  10 to 16 feet

Flower Size:  1 to 2 inches

Habitat:   Dry coastal regions, waste ground

Flower Color:  White, Brown

Leaf Color:  Green

Fruit Color:  Brown, Red, Green

Stem Color:  Green

Conditions Requirement:

Sunlight:  Full sun, Partial sun

Hardiness:    20 ℉

Hardiness Zones:   9 to 11

Soil:    Clay, loam, sand; well drained; slightly acidic, neutral, slightly alkaline

Care Guide:


Drought-tolerant. Allow the soil to dry completely between watering.


Fertilization once every 2-3 months during the growing season.


Trim the dead, diseased, overgrown branches in winter.

Planting Time:

All year around

Harvest Time:

Summer, Autumn




Garden Use

White leadtree is a fast-growing and decorative warm-climate species that is fitting to use as a shade or specimen tree. Also, it can grow in the form of a large shrub which can look good as a backdrop plant. White leadtree is also a prolific bloomer, making it suitable for tropical pollinator gardens. Note that this species can be aggressively invasive in suitable climates, and in some regions, it is treated as a weed.


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