Pink Trumpet vine

 Pink Trumpet vine a species of Podranae

Pink Trumpet vine a species of Podranae

Common Name:

  • Queen of sheba
  • Jons creeper
  • Zimbabwe creeper

Botanicanl Name:

Podranea recasoliana

Name Story:

Pink trumpet vine:

The horn-shaped pink blooms on pink trumpet vine make the source of its name rather obvious. It's also commonly called Port St. John's creeper. That name, given for Port St. John in South Africa, where Europeans first recorded the plant, may be a misnomer. Some botanists suggest it was introduced there from elsewhere by earlier traders.

Scientific classification:


Podranea - Podranea


Bignoniaceae - Bignonia, Catalpa


Lamiales - Mints plantains olives and allies


Magnoliopsida - Dicotyledons, Dicots, Eudicots


Tracheophyta - Vascular plants, Seed plants, Ferns, Tracheophytes


Pink trumpet vine (Podranea ricasoliana) is a flowering plant native to Africa. Pink trumpet vine is a popular plant among gardeners in South Africa for its ostentatious flowers. It is fast-growing and easily cultivated in full sunlight.

Interesting Facts

Pink trumpet vine is a creeping and climbing vinelike plant.

 As such, it's often planted along hedges, trellises, fences, etc. Such "climbable" surfaces are not absolutely required, though. 

As long as it gets enough nutrients, a pink trumpet vine can stand on its own, creating an amorphous tower of pink flowers.


Plant Type:   Vine

Lifespan:    Perennial

Bloom Time:   Summer, autumn

Plant Height:    16 feet

Spread:   3 to 5 feet

Flower Size:   3 inches

Habitat:   Gardens

Flower Color:    Pink

Leaf Color:   Green

Fruit Color:   Brown

Stem Color:   Green, Pink

Conditions Requirement:

Difficulty Rating:

Pink trumpet vine is not difficult to take care of. With proper care, your Pink trumpet vine will grow well under certain environments.


Full sun, Partial sun


30 ℉

Hardiness Zones:

9 to 11


Sand, loam

Care Guide:


Average water needs, watering when the top 1.2 inch of soil has dried out.


Fertilization once every 2-3 months during the growing season.


Trim the diseased, withered leaves once a month.

Planting Time:

Spring, Autumn

Harvest Time:

Spring, Autumnl, Winter


Sowing, Cutting

Potting Suggestions:

Needs excellent drainage in pots.

Pests and Diseases:

Red spider mites, mealybugs


Garden Use:

The showy pink trumpet vine works well in tropical gardens, either sprawling across the ground as a ground cover or draping over trellises, fences, and hedges as ornamentation. Its pink flowers grow during the spring, summer, and autumn, but the foliage lasts year-round in hot climates. It thrives even in drought conditions. The blooms attract bees during the warm season.


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