
Showing posts from July, 2022

Swiss Cheese Plant

  Swiss Cheese Plant  a Species of Monsteras Common Name: Cariman Tarovine Phlodendrone Salad plant Botanical Name: Monstera deliciosa Name Story: Fruit salad plant: This plant not only has unique and beautiful leaves but it also has peculiar fruits that look like green hexagonal scales on the outer layer of maize. When these scales fall off, they emit a strong and sweet fruit aroma. Furthermore, its fruit tastes like fruit salad. Moreover, the word deliciosa also means delicious. So, it's called a fruit salad plant. Swiss cheese plant: This plant has always been loved for its unique leaves. During the seedling stage, its leaves are intact as a whole. However, as it ages, the leaves begin to pop out holes and lobes. The older it gets, the larger the holes and the larger the leaves are. This makes its leaves very similar looking to the holes in cheese, so it will be called Swiss cheese plant. Scientific classification: Genus: Monstera - Monsteras Family: Araceae - Arum, Ar...

American White Water Liliy

  American White Water Lily a species of Water Lilies Water lily Common Name: White lily Water lily Beaver root Fragrent water lily Botanical Name: Nypheae odorata Information: American white water-lily (Nymphaea odorata) is an aquatic flowering plant native to Central and North America. It is a common food for many species of birds and turtles. The shade american white water-lily casts over its pond habitats helps stifle algae growth, a side effect that is beneficial to most of the aquatic wildlife around it. Scientific classification Genus: Nymphaea - Water lilies Family: Nymphaeaceae - Water-lily Order: Nymphaeales - Water-lilies, fanworts, and allies Class: Magnoliopsida - Dicotyledons, Dicots, Eudicots Phylum: Tracheophyta - Vascular plants, Seed plants, Ferns, Tracheophytes Characteristics: Plant Type: Herb Lifespal: Perennial Bloom Time: Summer Plant Height: 8 feet Spread: 2 to 4 feet Flower Size: 4 to 6 inches Habitat: Acidic or alkaline ponds, lakes, sluggish streams and ...

Fire cracker plant

  Firecracker plant a Species of Russelia Common Name: Fountain bush Fountain plant Cora blow Coraplant Botanical Name: Russelia equisetiformis Information: Firecracker plant (Russelia equisetiformis) is a flowering shrub that grows natively throughout Guatemala and Mexico.  This plant is considered ornamental for its red, weeping flowers and is often grown in hanging baskets, window boxes, and garden planters. Scientific classification Genus: Russelia - Russelia Family: Plantaginaceae - Plantain Order: Lamiales - Mints plantains olives and allies Class: Magnoliopsida - Dicotyledons, Dicots, Eudicots Phylum: Tracheophyta - Vascular plants, Seed plants, Ferns, Tracheophytes Characteristics: Plant Type:    Shrub Lifespan:   Perennial Bloom Time:   Spring, summer, autumn Plant Height:   3 feet Spread:   2 foot Flower Size:   1 to 3 inches Habitat:   Temperate gardens, window boxes, pots, hanging planters Flower...

Golden Pothos

  Pothos a Species of Tongavine Common Name: Money plant Taro vine Hunter's robe Ivy arum Botanical Name: Epipremnum aureum Name Story: Golden pothos: Since its green leaves are laced with the color gold, it is called Golden Pothos. Epipremnum aureum has a long and tortuous naming history, and it has been reclassified several times. It was first classified as Pothos aureus. In 1962, scholars discovered that it actually had a blossoming phase. Since then, scholars closely observed and investigated the plant's flowers, leaves and growth, and determined its latin name to be Epipremnum aureum. Scientific classification Genus: Epipremnum - Tongavines, Pothos, Devil's ivies, Centipede tongavines Family: Araceae - Arum, Aroids Order: Alismatales - Water plantains and allies Class: Liliopsida - Monocotyledons, Monocots Phylum: Tracheophyta - Vascular plants, Seed plants, Ferns, Tracheophytes. Characteristics: Plant Type:    Herb Lifespan:    Perennial Bloom Time: ...

Guanacaste Tree

"Guanacaste Tree  a Species of Enterolobium" Common Name: Monkeys Ear tree Devil's Tree Elephent Ear Tree Caro caro Pitchwood Botanical Name: Enterolobium cyclocarpum Scientific classification Genus: Enterolobium - Enterolobium Family: Fabaceae - Legume, Pea, Bean Order: Fabales - Legumes, milkworts and allies, Peas, beans and relatives Class: Magnoliopsida - Dicotyledons, Dicots, Eudicots Phylum: Tracheophyta - Vascular plants, Seed plants, Ferns, Tracheophytes.. Information: The guanacaste is native to the tropical regions of the Americas. It is commonly grown as a shade tree for coffee plantations. Small, green ear-shaped pods appear high in the crown long after the decline of the blossom. Characteristics Plant Type:     Tree Lifespan:   Perennial Bloom Time:   Spring, summer Plant Height:   82 to 115 feet Spread:   8 to 10 feet Flower Size:   Inflorescence 0.4 inch to 0.6 inch Habitat:  Subtropical, dry fores...

Pink Trumpet vine

  Pink Trumpet vine a species of Podranae Common Name: Queen of sheba Jons creeper Zimbabwe creeper Botanicanl Name: Podranea recasoliana Name Story: Pink trumpet vine: The horn-shaped pink blooms on pink trumpet vine make the source of its name rather obvious. It's also commonly called Port St. John's creeper. That name, given for Port St. John in South Africa, where Europeans first recorded the plant, may be a misnomer. Some botanists suggest it was introduced there from elsewhere by earlier traders. Scientific classification: Genus: Podranea - Podranea Family: Bignoniaceae - Bignonia, Catalpa Order: Lamiales - Mints plantains olives and allies Class: Magnoliopsida - Dicotyledons, Dicots, Eudicots Phylum: Tracheophyta - Vascular plants, Seed plants, Ferns, Tracheophytes Information: Pink trumpet vine (Podranea ricasoliana) is a flowering plant native to Africa. Pink trumpet vine is a popular plant among gardeners in South Africa for its ostentatious flowers. It is fast-growi...

Cup of Gold vine

  Cup of Gold vine  a Species of Chalice vines Common Name: Hawaiian Golden Chalice vine Botanical Name: Solindra maxima Information: A hardy, heavy vine, the cup of gold vine needs a sturdy structure to grow on and show off its 6 inches yellow blooms. These flowers have a fragrance similar to the sweet scent of bananas. This vine can grow up to 50 feet long or it can be pruned into more of a shrub shape. Scientific classification: Genus: Solandra - Chalice vines Family: Solanaceae - Nightshade ,  Solanaceous plants, Potato Order: Solanales - Nightshades, bindweeds, gooseweeds, and allies Class: Magnoliopsida - Dicotyledons, Dicots, Eudicots Phylum: Tracheophyta - Vascular plants, Seed plants, Ferns, Tracheophytes Characteristics: Plant Type:   Vine Lifespan:  Perennial Bloom Time:   Winter Plant Height:   33 feet Spread:   3 feet Flower Size:   6 to 12 inches Habitat:   Dry to moist forests, open areas Flow...

Golden Bambo ( Baans)

  Golden Bambo a species of Bambo Common Name: Bamboo Baans Running bamboo Yellow bamboo Golden Groove bamboo Botanical Name: Phyllostachys aurea Information: Golden bamboo (Phyllostachys aurea) is a plant species often used as a screening bush or privacy hedge. Golden bamboo grows quickly, and its canes turn yellow in full or partial sun. They deepen into a gold-orange color as the plant matures.  Scientific classification: Genus: Phyllostachys - Bamboo Family: Poaceae - Grass Order: Poales - Grasses, sedges and allies Class: Liliopsida - Monocotyledons, Monocots Phylum: Tracheophyta - Vascular plants, Seed plants, Ferns, Tracheophytes Characteristics: Plant Type:    Shrub, Vine, Grass Lifespan:   Perennial Bloom Time:   Spring Plant Height:    16 to 39 feet Spread:   7 to 16 feet Habitat:   Woodland Flower Color:   Green Leaf Color:   Green, Yellow Stem Color:  Green, Yellow Conditions Requi...

Maize ( Makaiii )

  Maize a Species of Zea Common Name Makaiii Corn Indian corn Sweet corn Flint corn Botanical Name Zea mays Information Maize (Zea mays) is a well known domesticated cereal grain first domesticated in Mexico. In much of the world it is also called corn. Worldwide cultivation of maize surpasses other prominent grains like wheat and rice. Maize must be planted in the spring due to its intolerance for cold weather. Name Story Maize The word maize is derived from the Spanish form of the indigenous TaĆ­no word for the plant, mahiz. However, it is known by different names based on different parts of the world. Corn, Flint corn, Indian corn In the United States, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand, corn primarily means maize. The usage of corn started as a shortening of "Indian corn". "Indian corn" primarily means maize which is referring to the staple grain of indigenous Americans but can refer more specifically to multicolored "flint corn" mainly for decoration. ...

Guava (Amrood)

Guava a Species of Guavas Common Name Amrood Lemon Guava Guava  Yellow Guava Botanical Name Psidium Guajava Information Guava (Psidium guajava) is a fruit-producing evergreen shrub that grows natively in the Caribbean region and South America. Guava attracts the honey bee and other insects. Guava fruit is edible and guava wood is used for smoking meat. Name Story Common guava, Guava The term guava was derived from the Arawak word "guayabo", meaning "guava tree". It refers not only to Psidium guajava, commonly known as guava in the English language but also to its fruit and several other shrubs and trees of the genus Psidium.. Interesting Facts Guava is famous for its beautiful and colorful flowers. Especially as spring goes away and so does the blooming season, the flaming red flowers leap onto the branches and are captivating. Characteristics Plant Type Tree, Shrub Lifespan Perennial Bloom Time All year around Plant Height 26 to 43 feet Spread 20 to 43 feet Flower ...

Sugarcane( Ganna )

  Sugarcane a Species of Saccharum Common Name Ganna Plume Grass Sugarcane Botanical Name Saccharum officinarum Information Sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum) is a sugar-rich grass species native to New Guinea. Sugarcane is commercially cultivated around the world to make sugar and ethanol. In ancient times, people would chew this plant to extract sweet juice from the stalk. Characteristics Plant Type Herb Lifespan Perennial Bloom Time Winter Plant Height 5 to 8 feet Spread 0 inch Habitat Marshes, Stream banks, Sand dunes Flower Color WhiteYellowRedBrown Leaf Color Green Stem Color Red Conditions Requirement Difficulty Rating Sugarcane is not difficult to take care of. With proper care, your Sugarcane will grow well under certain environments. Sunlight Full sun, Partial sun Hardiness 20 ℉ Hardiness Zones 9 Soil Clay, loam, sand; well drained; slightly acidic, neutral, slightly alkaline Care Guide Water Average water needs,watering when the top 1.2 inch of soil has dried out. Fertili...

Sacred Tree( Peepal )

  Sacred Tree A Species of Fig Trees Common Name Peepal  Sacred Bodhiii Botanical Name Ficus religiosa Information Sacred fig or Ficus religiosa, gets its name because it is considered sacred to Buddhism, Jainism, and Hinduism. Although a member of the mulberry family, the sap of the sacred fig may cause skin reactions if handled. What part of the sacred fig is toxic? Sacred fig contains mild irritants that can be toxic to animals including cats, dogs and horses when the leaves or unripe fruits are ingested, while the ripe fruits are harmless to animals. Tips from Garden Coaches Plants of genus Ficus can be planted in a garden or maintained indoors. Its attractive green leaves require a warm, humid environment; we consider it a medium level difficulty plant to care. Interesting Facts There is a thousand-year-old sacred fig in the Shangri-La Grand Canyon. Its mysterious image is spread widely across the internet. The thousand-year-old sacred fig looks like a phoenix. What is mo...