Cotton (kapas)
Upland cotton a Specie of Cottons
Common name:
Maxican cotton
American cotton.
Botanical Name:
Gossympium hirsutum
Scientific classification:
Gossypium - Cottons
Malvaceae - Mallow, Hibiscus
Malvales - Mallows, rock-roses, and allies
Magnoliopsida - Dicotyledons, Dicots, Eudicots
Tracheophyta - Vascular plants, Seed plants, Ferns, Tracheophytes
- It is agricultural plant which is mostly found in subtropical regions of the world.
- It grows in warm and humid climate.
- Plant type :
- It is perennial plant, found in Allavial, clayel and red sandy loam.
- Information.
- Upland Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) is is the most commonly planted agricultural cotton.
- An annual to perennial shrub whose large yellow to white cup-shaped flowers bloom in summer.
- Flowers are replaced by the cotton boll which contains the cotton fiber and about 36 seeds.
- Grows best in full sun and in clay sandy or loamy well-drained soil.
- It grows in summer and picked in autumn season.
Commercial uses:
- It is used widely on commercial level.
- It used to make cotton threads and fibers.
- It is used to make Tae shirts.
- 63% cotton is used in apparels manufacturing.
- 29% cotton is used in home furnishing.
- 8% cotton is used in industrial products.
- It contributes a lot, to our economy.
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